

A Fortune 500 global technology consulting company improves the speed and accuracy of candidate assessments with impress.ai


Reduction in candidate drop-off


Hours of recruiter productivity saved

  • Technology Consulting


  • 700K+


  • SE Asia


  • The Challenge

    The Fortune 500 company relied on manual candidate assessments and generic evaluation criteria for hiring tech talent, which led to a slow and challenging hiring process. Additionally, the company encountered issues with unconscious bias during candidate selection.

  • The Results

    By automating 80% of the candidate shortlisting process, impress.ai helped the client achieve 88.3% accurate responses for candidate queries, saved 396 recruiter hours, and reduced candidate drop-off by 41%.

  • The Business Benefits

    The client shortened the time-to-hire, improved the candidate drop-off rate, mitigated unconscious bias, and ensured an enhanced candidate experience.

  • The Background 

     As a Fortune 500 tech consulting company, the client focused on hiring quality tech candidates to fulfill its commitment to offering top-notch technology consulting services and solutions to enterprises. With the existing manually driven hiring process, they were experiencing multiple problems like:

        • The inability to personalize assessments based on candidate persona
        • Poor candidate engagement, leading to an increased drop-off
        • The occurrence of conscious or unconscious bias
        • A slow and inefficient hiring process
        • Failure in assessing candidates accurately
        • Non-availability of recruiters around the clock to answer candidate queries. 


    The Solution  

    impress.ai’s recruitment automation platform automated the entire candidate assessment process to ensure the client hires the best tech talent in the market. The AI-powered platform personalized the assessments based on the candidate’s persona and technical skill set. 

    It shortened the length of -reviews, potentially reducing the candidate’s frustration and drop-off. The platform offered technical skills evaluation and coding simulations leveraging machine learning and gamification to make assessments more accurate and efficient. impress.ai’s platform seamlessly integrated with a third-party coding assessment provider and combined its own assessment scores with that of the third-party provider to offer cumulative scores. Intelligent virtual assistants were available 24/7, keeping interested candidates engaged. It also helped reduce the manual effort involved in addressing candidate queries and offered flexibility in applying outside working hours.  Comprehensive candidate analytics and real-time insights also enabled recruiters to make quality hires seamlessly.

    The Results

    impress.ai’s recruitment automation platform automated the entire candidate assessment process resulting in

        • Reduced candidate drop-off by 41%
        • Saved 396 hours of recruiter productivity during the assessment and evaluation process 
        • Achieved an accuracy of 88% while responding to candidate queries
        • Received a 90% candidate satisfaction rating
        • Ensured 24/7 candidate assistance (close to 49% were interacting outside working hours )

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